
Social media marketing seems deceptively simple, but effective social advertising requires creative problem solving and a cohesive campaign strategy. At its best, it can provide opportunities to build brand awareness, foster relationships and discover valuable customer insights. Let me show you how.

Client: Navy Federal Credit Union

Industry: Financial
Agency: MRM
Project: Summer Travel Credit Card Offer
Role: Writer

After a chaotic travel season post-Covid, our client wanted to give cardholders an incentive to increase their travel spending. The problem? Costs just kept going up, and card uptakes were low. To counter this, I focused on the insight that consumers wanted to prioritize luxury after spending so much time at home. My copy provided an aspirational picture of what a real vacation could look like, along with showing how to make it more affordable. Our campaign encouraged cardholder loyalty and reminded members how easy it was to redeem points on-the-go.


Client: AAA Life Insurance Company

Industry: Insurance
Agency: MRM
Project: Updated Brand Positioning
Role: Writer

In this social story, the copy and imagery work together to portray the life insurance brand as approachable and reliable. It feels more personal and less like a hard sell, encouraging better brand relationships. Making social stories fun and accessible like this one is important, because it has a better potential to drive engagement, build connections and encourage interaction between the audience and the brand.